Vital Vegas Podcast, Episode 47: Las Vegas Tricks, Ellis Island and “Casino”
It’s one of our most rambly podcast episodes, ever, so gird your loins. It’s not like you’re using them for anything else.
For starters, we learn a trick to avoid disappointment when interacting with a Las Vegas prostitute, and it’s all downhill from there.
We also talk about changes at Ellis Island, Monte Carlo’s evolution, progress at the Neon Museum expansion, The Dome at Downtown Container Park, casino credit lines and other awful ideas.

Even in our intoxicated stupor, we share all the latest Sin City news, including stories about paid parking at Cosmopolitan (paid self-park starts May 16), LAX nightclub will become an eSports arena, roulette is making a comeback, “Men of the Strip” is coming to Tropicana and Plaza has finally laid its Beer Garden to rest.

In this week’s episode, there’s also history (Riviera opened April 20, 1955) and a listicle about “Casino,” one of the best movies ever made in relation to whacking.
In a world starving for fun, the Vital Vegas Podcast is an all-you-can-listen buffet of succulent Las Vegas sustenance. Or, alternatively, something that makes sense.
Listen, anyway!
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