Two Things on The Strip Making Us Smile Right Now
It’s the little things that count, and two wee things on The Strip are making us smile right now.
For months, we’ve publicly bemoaned the tacky Dick’s Last Resort sign on the front of Excalibur.

Well, miracles never cease in Las Vegas, because the Dickish sign has been removed.
The now-blank space used to play host to a Merlin statue, but if rumors about a rebrand of Excalibur turn out to be true, he won’t be back. We’d rather see nothing than something nauseating up there.

Next, we’ve also spent months whining about the state of the pink elephant at the Diamond Inn Motel, very near the “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign and across from Mandalay Bay.

Well, the owners of the motel finally ponied up for a repair, and the pink elephant is back to being ready for its roadside attraction close-up.

Las Vegas is full of surprises! And shrimp. But mostly that first thing.
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