“Sexxy” Revue Closes Abruptly at Westgate
The seemingly unstoppable “Sexxy” is on a break. The topless show closed abruptly at Westgaste on Oct. 17, 2021.
The show ran at Westgate for six years, with more than 1,000 performances.
There was a lot of P.R. jibber-jabber about the show closing after reaching a “mutual agreement with the resort,” which is Vegas showbiz lingo for “draaama.”

“Sexxy” is what you might expect in a Las Vegas revue. It features copious amounts of both “T” and “A,” along the lines of “X Burlesque” at Flamingo or the recently-closed “X Rocks” at Bally’s.
The show’s indefatigable producer, choreographer and dancer Jennifer Romas (stage center in the photo above) says the show will look for another venue.
It’s going to be tough to find a comparable arrangement, as it sounds like Romas got a sweetheart deal for the space from her good friend and Westgate owner David Siegel.
Yes, the same David Siegel featured in the 2012 documentary, “The Queen of Versailles.”
During the pandemic, Romas took the show on the road, creating “Sexxy After Dark” at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club. The show will continue there three nights a week.
The good news for “Sexxy” is the demand for magumbos and cakes transcends place and time.
The art of tease is woven into the very fabric of Las Vegas. Hello, it’s even called the “Las Vegas Strip.”
We’ll be keeping an eye on “Sexxy” on your behalf, and hope to share that the lubricious production has found a new home soon.
Oh, that’s right, “lubricious.” We knew that liberal arts degree would come in handy someday.
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