Podcast Ep. 157: Fremont Street Experience CEO, A’s Chain-Yankery and More
Some people used to complain our podcast episodes were few and far between. Careful what you wish for, because here’s another six-hour cavalcade of words to stuff into your sound wranglers.™
“Sound wranglers” are like “earholes,” but we had to come up with an alternative we could trademark.
In this installment of the Vital Vegas Podcast, we chat with the President and CEO of Fremont Street Experience (FSE), Andrew Simon. Simon is one of the ringmasters in charge of the circus that is Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegas.

Some may recognize Andrew Simon from his appearance on “Undercover Boss,” his first big splash after becoming President of FSE. See more.
In our chat, Andrew Simon shares more about the recently-announced free concert series at Fremont Street Experience, and deftly fields lots of awkward questions about safety downtown, buskers and volume levels. Simon also provides an update on the SlotZilla zipline, possibly the most successful ticketed attraction in the history of Las Vegas. The ride has hosted more than three million riders and continues to draw crowds of thrill-seekers to downtown’s tourist corridor.
Full disclosure: We worked in digital marketing at Fremont Street Experience for six years, from Mar. 2014 to May 2020. We kicked ass, objectively speaking, growing the FSE Facebook following from 62,000 to 690,000. Yes, we somehow managed to turn a disclaimer into a humblebrag. Do you know this blog at all?
Also in this episode, we are forced under duress to discuss all the chatter around the Oakland A’s possible move to Las Vegas. The latest news: The binding agreement to build a ballpark on the Wild Wild West site has been tossed, now there’s a binding agreement to build on the Tropicana site. The bottom line: The A’s are playing Las Vegas, and our local media, like a fiddle.

Far more interestingly, there’s more about us as we regale both our listeners with a story about the most epic gambling night, ever.
There’s a “listicle,” of course, and since the episode is Fremont Street-themed, we offer up 12 places for fast, cheap eats on and around Fremont Street Experience, including our new favorite sandwich spot, Meatball Hero on Fremont East.

Others may round up our Las Vegas news, but we’re the source, so dust off your whisper wranglers™ and dive headlong into our latest effort to keep you informed while avoiding household chores and adulting.
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