Eight New Things We Stumbled Upon in Downtown Vegas
There’s always something new in Las Vegas. Here are a few downtown quickies we stumbled upon during our last visit. And we do mean stumbled. It’s downtown.
1. Casino Sign at Downtown Grand
This renovation project is barreling right along! You know things are getting serious when a “Casino” sign goes up.

2. Downtown Grand’s Gazebo Lights and Flourishes
Granted, several of the new things on our list are at Downtown Grand. That doesn’t make them any less new. Downtown Grand’s new rooftop gazebo is looking good.

3. Downtown Grand’s Valet Entrance
This structure sits on the east side of the Downtown Grand, and we hear it will be a “grand” new entrance to the hotel.

4. Mob Museum Gets Some Color
We have no idea when this happened, but the Mob Museum is now bathed in color at night.

We find the Mob Museum’s new exterior lights mesmerizing. (We are easily amused.) Here’s some video you can use to enter a deep state of relaxation and/or an epileptic seizure.
5. Video Display at Golden Gate
It seems like only yesterday the 39 video displays were being installed over the new outdoors bar at the Golden Gate. It’s already showing off its high-res graphics.

Here’s a little taste of the newest “light show” on the Fremont Street Experience.
6. Big Six Wheel at The D
The folks at The D are master marketers, and their new Big Six wheel proves the point. These wheels often feature one hotel offering (typically a show), but at The D, the wheel advertises ALL the hotel’s restaurants and shows. Note: While it’s an eye-catching addition to The D’s casino floor, Big Six wheels have fairly awful odds for players, so “caveat aleo” (“gambler beware”).

7. Rush Lounge Construction at Golden Nugget
We breached security to get a peek at the construction going on at the Golden Nugget’s Rush Lounge renovation and expansion.

We love that Las Vegas renovates things even when the existing one is perfectly fine. Hint: Renovations of existing things tends to mean the existing thing wasn’t making enough money.

8. Mob Bar’s Cognac Bottle
Granted, the cognac bottle at Mob Bar isn’t new, it’s been there since the joint opened, but the bar’s policy about it is new to us. Traditionally, when a customer purchases the last portion of Louis XIII de Rémy Martin cognac, they get to keep the bottle. The ornate bottles can be worth several hundred dollars. While the $150 pours at Mob Bar are a good value (the same cognac is many hundreds more on The Strip), we’ve been told the Mob Bar won’t be giving the bottle away. So, one sucky thing about an otherwise great place. There are two pours left in this bottle, if you’re keeping score at home.

If you see something new downtown, or anywhere in Las Vegas, let us know! We’re not omnipresent, and if we were, man, would our ankles be swollen.
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