Chippendales Return to Rio After 17 Months Dark
Tees will tear, six packs will glisten and panties will be surrendered—Chippendales, one of the best male revues in the history of Las Vegas, returns to Rio resort on Sep. 1, 2021.
To the great dismay of bachelorettes everywhere, the show has been dark for 17 months due to the pandemic, but that’s about to change.

Chippendales is the undisputed king of male revues in Las Vegas. We should know, because we think it’s great and we are definitely not its target demographic, sexual orientationwise.
We have attended lots of Las Vegas shows, but have yet to see audience reactions as enthusiastic as the ones at Chippendales. It’s not even close.

There’s a reason the Chippendales brand is iconic, and it’s not just the bowties and cuffs.
These dudes know how to throw a party and touch upon just about every sexual fantasy through the show’s themed vignettes.
There’s the cowboy one, the military one, the fireman one and the construction worker one, just for starters. There’s even a Michael Jackson one, which is weird, but they make it work.
The Chippendales show at Rio Las Vegas has been “refreshed,” with one show representative describing it as “even bigger and better than before.” We’re pretty sure she was describing the show.

Longtime fans of Chippendales will be pleased to hear some popular cast members will return, including Chaun Williams, currently featured on the HBO Max series “FBoy Island” and Ricky Rodgers, who was on MTV’s “Double Shot at Love” and “Jersey Shore Family Vacation.”
Among its many accolades, Chippendales has won “Best Male Revue” in the Best of Las Vegas awards for nine consecutive years, according to a news release from the show.
Vegas wasn’t really Vegas without Chippendales, so we’re thrilled the guys are back.

If you’re unfamiliar with Chippendales, we are sorry you live under a rock, but on the bright side there could be mushrooms under there, so there’s that.
Chippendales was established in 1979, and changed stripping forever.
Chippendales got their name from founder Steve Banerjee. He named the show after a style of furniture. Chippendales furniture, in case that weren’t readily apparent.
Chippendales originally opened at Rio in 2002.
Make sure to stop by the Chippendales gift shop because it has a wide variety of products including exercise equipment (see photo below).

Fun fact: Chippendales dancers tear off about 12,000 T-shirts each year.
Chippendales performs Wednesday through Sunday at 8:30 p.m., dark Monday and Tuesday. Tickets range from $49.95 to $149.95.
Find out more at the official Web site,
Las Vegas is ready to shriek with glee again, and Chippendales are just the guys for the job because you can’t spell “spectacular” without “pecs.”
And that is how it’s done, other blogs.
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