Nevada Gov. Sisolak Extends COVID Restrictions, Experts Question Effectiveness
Posted on: January 12, 2021, 01:45h.
Last updated on: January 12, 2021, 02:31h.

Nevada’s gaming floors, bars, and restaurants must keep in place the 25 percent occupancy limit for another 30 days due to coronavirus risk, Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) announced on Monday. But the move led experts to question its effectiveness and the impact on the economy.

“You do wonder how much longer the Nevada economy can take lockdowns of 25 percent,” said the Rev. Richard McGowan, a finance professor at Boston College who closely follows the gaming sector, to on Tuesday.
Even New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo [D] has decided to start lifting restrictions or otherwise, as he has stated, “There will be nothing to open,” McGowan warned.
There is the added question of just how useful such steps are to curb the spread of coronavirus.
“One must wonder just how effective these lockdowns have been,” McGowan said. “Florida has been one of the less restrictive states and yet its rate of COVID is considerably less than states with very restrictive policies.”
Extension of 25 Percent Cap Not a Surprise
Stephen Miller, director of UNLV’s Center for Business and Economic Research, told on Tuesday “after the governor’s first extension of his ‘pause’ in mid-December, I predicted that things would not improve in 30 days.
So, now the governor extends the ‘pause,’ which is not surprising, given the holiday events and a strong desire to congregate with others,” Miller added.
For instance, during New Year’s Eve, thousands, if not tens of thousands of visitors, congregated by the Bellagio Fountains. Many were unmasked. Most did not appear to practice social distancing.
Since then, members of the public and health specialists shared concern about the risk that the impromptu gathering will have on the state’s COVID-19 case numbers.
Nevada health officials said impact from the gathering on the number of cases will take another couple of weeks to appear.
As of Tuesday, Nevada saw 2,593 additional COVID-19 cases. There were 46 more deaths.
Since the outbreak began last year, the state experienced 252,842 COVID-19 cases. There were 3,546 deaths.
Among those contracting COVID-19 are Las Vegas Metropolitan police officers and TSA screeners at the local airport.
Between March and December, 976 Metro officers tested positive for coronavirus. Two officers died from the virus, Metro Capt. Dori Koren recently told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Last week, Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport ranked among the highest airports nationally for the number of TSA workers infected with coronavirus, KLAS, a Las Vegas TV station reported.
McCarran took the 10th-highest spot for the number of TSA screeners with the virus, the report said. As of Jan. 4, there have been cumulatively 121 cases among all TSA employees at McCarran, the report adds.
COVID Economic Impact Continues in Nevada
The pandemic additionally has impacted Southern Nevada’s economy, which is dependent on casinos and tourism. For the region to “return to more normal times,” COVID-19 vaccines must be taken by residents and tourists, Miller warns.
“Unfortunately, the delivery of vaccine injections is going much more slowly than anticipated,” Miller said. “Thus, the eventual further recovery is being delayed.”
Looking ahead, the recently approved $900 billion COVID-19 federal relief bill will provide “some welcome relief for small businesses and their employees. Whether that bill is supplemented by the new Congress and [Biden] Administration is still an open question,” Miller said.
Already, several Las Vegas resort casinos were forced to voluntarily close hotels in the middle of the week because of lower occupancy. The occupancy cap on gaming floors has led to lower revenue for properties.
The state’s casinos and other non-essential businesses were shuttered for several months starting in March as a way to curb the spread of COVID-19. It led to high unemployment, Sisolak has recalled.
Later in the year, Sisolak directed that restaurants, gaming floors, and bars limit capacity to 50 percent of occupancy. In December, Sisolak extended Nevada’s 25 percent occupancy limit on gaming floors, bars, and restaurants until Jan. 15. The 25 percent restriction initially was put into effect before Thanksgiving.
Beyond that, capacity limits at casino showrooms remain in effect. That limits attendance in showrooms to no more than 50 in the audience, or 25 percent capacity, whichever number is lower.
In December, Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman said she favors lifting the restrictions in Nevada. But she was happy Sisolak did not add new coronavirus restrictions in December.
She has called the statewide restrictions “devastating” and “crushing to the city,” the Review-Journal said.
Similarly, Miller cautioned in December that Sisolak’s “current restrictions and [the] continuation may push the economy in a downward direction in the near future.
“Once recovery does begin, however, it should be robust, as many people will be looking for opportunities to get away and have some fun.”
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Last Comments ( 13 )
One of the reasons the numbers in Florida could be lower...a cover up by the State ie. Governor's Office of the real numbers. Ask the State worker who was fired for not publishing bogus numbers and is still being punished for "trumped up charges."
The big casinos in Reno do NOT fallow 25% ..its all a joke. People, put 2 masks on....get under your desk and put your head between your knees..... American government has hit the fan.
People have all gone insane. Covid is the flu, the flu is detoxification. End of story. Masks are killing people now just as they did in 1918. United States citizens are American Idiots. Sure am glad not to be one of those morons.
To the douche that posted crap about Republicans.. GET A LIFE! You wanna wear a damned mask them do it! You have that right... just like I have the right not to.. There are democrats and Republicans that are stuck and tired of sisolaks shit
It's time to open the Enconomy. Now or there will be no businesses n kids need to go back to school
Quit blaming this shit on the unions! I have 0people drop around me with this covid if you can’t wear a mask for 15 minutes when you go shopping then don’t go! They do have the right to stop you from going in you don’t like it well taKe a walk! If you can’t go by the rules and you get covid not much we can do for you!!
Wow such undercover racist remarks. Covid doesn't care about skin color nor does it care about political preferences. For u ppl who has so much to say What do u te) these families who have lost love ones because of no masks or social distancing. I guess u ppl don't care becuz u haven't been directly affected or maybe because ur a Republican ur immune. Get a life and some common sense and regards for others. God hv Mercy on you
Ppl are sheep...until someone looses everything from these stupid lockdown is when they will realize this is a way to just control us and the governors use their so called power..impeach all of them
Of course the union workers vote democrat. They are instructed too. Half of them don’t understand English. They just follow like sheep. These people rely entirely on the casinos to make their living. Sissylack has taken this away from them. He is killing Las Vegas. Wearing a mask does nothing. People touch things germs spread. This is just the DemonRats way of controlling us. These people get in office and collect big paychecks. None of them suffer from what they do to us. He doesn’t have to worry, he has his grand retirement. America is in a very sad and scary place now.
The Edgewater in Laughlin is not paying attention to this. New Year's eve, the capacity was high. The hotel is at full capacity which I don't understand because the guest has to walk through the casino to leave or go to a restaurant. This leaves the casino floor past 25 percent.
The people of Nevada, most notably the Union's voted this ridiculous Govorner into office. Now the Union's are whining about loss of jobs, lay off's, health insurance issues, & a unbelievably bad unemployment office. I remember seeing that Union Secretary General for the culinary union supporting Sissylack. Can't have it both ways. Live with your decision.
On new years Eve you know very well they went way beyond the restrictions keep extending so more people drop
The people of Nevada have been great with the mask mandates! It's the tourist from put of state that have been not following the rules.