Hofstra President Uses Tired Arguments to Blast Sands Long Island Casino Plan – Opinion
Posted on: May 8, 2023, 02:35h.
Last updated on: May 9, 2023, 12:22h.
Hofstra University President Susan Poser will appear before the Nassau County legislature Monday. She’s expected to rip a plan by Las Vegas Sands (NYSE: LVS) to build a new casino hotel near the college in her testimony.

Sands’ effort to develop a new gaming venue at the site of the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, N.Y., is just a few months old. But in that brief period, Hofstra has become one of the most vocal dissenters.
The casino proposed by Las Vegas Sands runs directly counter to the interests of our local population and will create dangers rather than benefits,” according to draft of Poser’s testimony obtained by the New York Post.
In her opposition to Sands New York, Poser rehashes many ancient talking points used by anti-gaming groups across the US anytime a new casino is pitched, regardless of location. Those include bashing operators for allegedly only caring about profits and theories that casinos lead to increased crime, pollution, and traffic.
Debunking Anti-Long Island Casino Arguments
In her testimony, Poser is also expected to bash Las Vegas Sands for attempting to generate a profit on Long Island, while lambasting the operator for divesting its Las Vegas properties. The latter meaning its current portfolio is comprised entirely of five Macau integrated resorts and Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.
In 2021, Sands announced the sale of Venetian Resort and Sands Expo and Convention Center on the Las Vegas Strip to Apollo Global Management and VICI Properties for $6.25 billion.
However, couching that transaction in anti-US terms is inaccurate, as Sands executives have said they’re open to the idea of returning to Las Vegas in the future. Additionally, the operator is spending millions on the New York plan and on lobbying efforts in Texas. The company has also been tied to rumors regarding a North Florida casino hotel.
As for Sands’ desire to make money, that’s what companies do. As a publicly traded firm, Sands’ primary obligation is to be a good steward for its shareholders.
The environmental and traffic arguments are potentially specious, because any brick-and-mortar business occupying the planned casino site could contribute to those issues. A traffic study has yet to be conducted, and Sands chose to focus its New York efforts on Long Island to avoid contributing to motor vehicle congestion in Manhattan.
Increased Crime Far from Guaranteed
Anti-casino groups frequently play the crime card. But that argument isn’t linear, and should be evaluated on a case-by-case business.
In fact, data from a casino hotel to which Sands New York could be comparable suggests such venues don’t drive more local crime. Consultants for the Massachusetts Gaming Commission (MGC) last week revealed findings pertaining to crime in five towns surrounding Wynn Resorts’ Encore Boston Harbor and Everett, where the venue is located.
The study spanned September 2018 through July 2022, including the property’s June 2019 opening, temporary COVID-19 shutdown, and subsequent reopening and normal operation. Data indicated Encore Boston Harbor “has limited impact on crime in the region.”
Poser is also expected to plead with Nassau County policymakers to oppose the Long Island casino simply because it’s near Hofstra and other schools, including elementary and high schools. That argument is also dubious, because it assumes two things that are likely false. First, college students have the financial resources to indulge in frequent casino visits. Second, Sands won’t be proactive in terms of checking the identifications of younger-looking prospective patrons.
Using Encore Boston Harbor as the comparison, that venue is within a stone’s throw of several institutions of higher learning, including four-year and junior colleges.
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Last Comments ( 18 )
It's great (really great) to learn one of the Democrat legislators recused themselves from voting due to a possible conflict of interest. This is significant because if we find that any of the four Republican legislators who voted for approval also should have probably recused themselves, that's a completely different conversation. Don't worry, because they won't be the very first to know. Was that six-hour public hearing an example of "just going through the motions?" Don't hesitate to post your thoughts right here!
A terrible place to build a casino that no amount of paid-for PR and spin can change. Blakeman's Nassau County government does not take into account the wishes of the majority of residents. Should these plans go through, Sands and the Blakeman administration will rue the day that it was first proposed
We do not need the gambling chaos a casino would bring to Nassau County! Gambling addiction -- Gambling disorder -- Compulsive gambling. How is that officially described? It's not a vague definition that varies from person to person. The DSM-5's official criteria for diagnosis are exhibiting FOUR of the following NINE criteria during the past 12-month period: -- Need to gamble with increasing amounts to achieve the desired excitement. -- Restless or irritable when trying to cut down or stop gambling. -- Repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back on or stop gambling. -- Frequent thoughts about gambling (such as reliving past gambling or planning future gambling). -- Often gambling when feeling distressed. -- After losing money gambling, often returning to get even. (This is referred to as "chasing" one's losses.) -- Lying to hide gambling activity. -- Risking or losing a close relationship, a job, or a school or job opportunity because of gambling. -- Relying on others to help with money problems caused by gambling. No need to wonder about what to look for. Friends and family members now know exactly what to look for. Say No to the Casino! Don't bring gambling chaos to Nassau County!
This is a terrible place to build a casino resort in Nassau County… period!!! There are other places that meet the criteria and area requirements for such a place… closer to the LIE… like the lot that Sears sits on in Hicksville… it’s closer to the LIE , it’s surrounded by commercial properties ..there is a mall literally across the road.. the roadway to and from the LIE is in better condition to handle the increase in traffic (mainly motor coaches)
Long Island does not want or need a Casino and all that comes with a casino, Congestion, crime and addiction near a college and a high school. Money is not more important than our children Stop the casino! .
Based on projected revenues, the Sands casino will be 3x the size of Encore. Long Island is already congested with traffic. Sands is estimating 20,000 daily visits but neglects to mention that the number of weekend visitors will be much higher ensuring virtual gridlock in the heart of Nassau County Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Your article states that "Sands chose to focus its New York efforts on Long Island to avoid contributing to motor vehicle congestion in Manhattan". This does not make any sense as if a casino is built in Manhattan (for example at Hudson Yards), the majority of people will come via train into Penn Station, or will already be staying in Manhattan from international destinations and will either walk or take the subway to the casino. By putting a casino in Uniondale, the Sands will be contributing to major motor vehicle congestion as most vehicles bringing groups will be motorcoaches and there is only one highway that permits motorcoaches in Nassau County - that is the Long Island Expressway. Hempstead Turnpike, Franklin Avenue, Glen Cove Road, Merrick Avenue and Post Avenue will turn into a huge traffic nightmare as those are among the roads motorcoaches must take between the Uniondale location of the proposed casino to the Long Island Expressway. Build the casino in Manhattan where there are already tourists. No casino in Uniondale. This is Long Island, not Las Vegas.
Putting a casino literally across the street from a university and a high school is a bad idea.
I attended the hearing, and did not hear President Poser say most of what is in this article! Traffic, however, ( which I don’t think she addressed) is a major concern for the constituents in this county of 2M people- one of the highest densities in the nation. Our infrastructure cannot support 10,000 or 20,000 more visitors a day. Furthermore, the American Psychiatric Assoc. has listed gambling addiction in the same category as heroin an opioids. And, among the three it has the highest suicide rate! So yes- why would you locate this literally across the street from 30,000 students? ( this is unlike Boston Encore which is 15 min away to colleges and MA has age restriction of 21vs 18 in NY to enter and play bingo games.) Shame on all the officials who vote for this and launch this addiction and crime crisis on our community,
This is a terrible idea for a residential community. We don’t want to have all of the risks associated with the areas surrounding a casino. Go elsewhere, you’re not wanted here.
The community doesn't want it! What a PR article. The LIE has already for years now been dubbed a parking lot....and what roads do the buses use? I moved to E Meadow in 1984. It was beautiful and quiet. It never took so long to take Hempstead Tpke to go to my doctor in Hempstead or to take the Meadowbrook to go anywhere as it does now. This is a bedroom community that is already congested. We don't need a casino or a hotel. Choose a more open spot with easier access that is not smack in the middle of a largely populated suburb.The Hofstra President's words were not tired, except to those whose ears are closed.
Say No to the Casino! This is the last thing LI needs. Especially by two colleges.
Long Island is regularly listed among the most congested roads in the NATION. It’s a terrible location for a large resort even without the casino. The presidents arguments are legitimate and supported by many residents who moved to Nassau county for a quieter residential life, which is without question incongruous with a massive casino that would be better suited in a non residential area with the appropriate infrastructure to support it.
The community in Long Island doesn't want what Las Vegas Sands is selling. Full stop.