Atlantic City Chamber Member Drops Out After Group Backs Casino Smoking
Posted on: March 11, 2022, 11:22h.
Last updated on: March 11, 2022, 12:06h.
The Greater Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce’s public declaration of its support for allowing indoor casino smoking to continue has consequences. It already led to one member severing ties with the business networking group.

Atlantic Prevention Resources announced the cancellation of its commerce membership. The move came just hours after the Atlantic City Chamber expressed its opinion that lawmakers should not end indoor smoking on gaming floors. Atlantic Prevention is a nonprofit that works to prevent harm caused by substance abuse.
We highly value our membership in the Greater AC Chamber, but as a public health agency we cannot continue to be members of an organization placing financial interests above health,” said Atlantic Prevention Resources Executive Director Bob Zlotnick.
Legislation has been introduced in both the New Jersey Senate and Assembly seeking to extinguish the indoor smoking loophole. The exemption was afforded under the state’s 2006 clean indoor air act.
While neither bill has received floor consideration in either chamber, momentum is building behind the legislation. As of this week, 13 of New Jersey’s 40 state senators have lent their support to the anti-smoking bills.
Health Over Profits
The Casino Association of New Jersey (CANJ) argues that a full indoor smoking ban would eradicate as many as 2,500 jobs and hurt gaming revenue to the tune of 11%. Whether those substantial consequences would actually be dealt with casino smoking outlawed is debatable. But those who say it’s time to end indoor tobacco use say their claims are not in question.
Indoor tobacco smoke presents dire health concerns for not only the smoker, but anyone physically located in the enclosed environment. And despite casinos continuing to highlight their effective air circulation systems, new studies have concluded that “thirdhand smoke” — residual nicotine and other chemicals left on indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke — pose potential health hazards.
The Mayo Clinic explains that thirdhand smoke cannot be eliminated by airing out rooms or using air circulation mechanisms. Confining smoking to certain areas also does not prevent thirdhand smoke particles from moving to supposedly smoke-free spaces.
“As a member of the local community, we would stand to be impacted by any loss in local business. But we cannot in good conscience put a price tag on the health of our families and neighbors,” Zlotnick added in his withdrawal statement.
Legislative Latest
The momentum certainly seems behind the anti-smoking crowd when it comes to Atlantic City casinos. Numerous lawmakers, both Democrat and Republican, have been expressing their support for making the nine casinos go smoke-free. But the bills that would make them do so continue to linger in Trenton.
Assembly Bill 2151 continues to reside in the Assembly Health Committee. It’s sat there since February 7.
The Senate’s smoke-free casino effort — Senate Bill 264 — remains in the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee. The statute has been there since January 11.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) backs banning indoor casino smoking. The governor says he will sign such a measure should it reach his desk.
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Last Comments ( 13 )
Well Connie, my politics are irrelevant in this debate. My dislike of smoking is irrelevant in this debate. The only thing relevant is the fact that the current law overtly discriminates against casino employees. If you want to discuss politics and governmental overreaching, that’s fine for another discussion. You might be surprised to know that I’m definitely not a liberal. I am a man of common sense and human decency, and the fact remains that banning smoking in all indoor places of public access EXCEPT casinos is just wrong on so many levels. Like I said before, either ban it EVERYWHERE or allow it EVERYWHERE! You want to talk about unconstitutional…how is it legal to single out only one sector of the workforce and make them choose between and their health or a paycheck?? Yes, my wife can quit at any time…and she’s considered it many times. But you know what? She likes her job (when people aren’t blowing smoke in her face) and she’s good at her job. Why should she have to give up something that she’s been doing for 20 years because of greed and a lack of basic humanity? Connie, I’m not going to insult or demean you. I don’t want to be your enemy. All I’m asking is that you put aside your politics for one minute and see our side of this issue. I’m not asking you to agree with it…I’m simply asking you to put yourself in my wife’s shoes. She doesn’t want to give up her job, Connie and there are lots of people who depend on their casino jobs in order to support their families. You can’t expect them to just walk away, especially when they shouldn’t have to.
Well Nicholas your last sentence pretty much says it ALL!!!! ANYONE who disagrees with you is "selfish, irrational and a bad citizen.". .We can all probably guess who you voted for, sounds like a real demon cratic (typo on purpose) point of view! When the argument at hand can't be won , resort to these type of tactics. Are you sure your name is not Karen?? What you are not comprehending is whether you like smoking or not, government overreach won't stop at smoking. You make the choice to enter the building, no is forcing you....Just because a building is open to the public the public still makes the CHOICE to enter or not....
Connie: There is a major flaw with your argument. Even though casinos are privately owned, they are open to the public. Unlike your home where uninvited people don’t just walk in whenever they want, casinos and other establishments of public access have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for their patrons and employees under the law. This is why we have labor laws, OSHA, the CDC and numerous other government agencies that oversee public health and safety in areas of public access. Now, if the casinos want to close their doors to the public and allow only exclusive access through membership, then maybe your argument would have some validity. I believe that you already know this to be true, but you’re just one of those people who don’t like the government telling you what to do. If it’s any consolation, I don’t believe in laws that protect personal safety such as helmets and seatbelts, but when it comes to protecting our fellow citizens from the harmful effects of other people’s dangerous habits or decisions, such as smoking in public, or drinking and driving, then the government has every right and every obligation to enforce those laws. Anyone reading this who doesn’t agree is just irrational, selfish, and a bad citizen.
Nicholas..The casinos are private property!!! Therefore THEY should decide whether or not to allow smoking on their property! ...Then YOU and I get to decide whether or not we make the CHOICE to enter the building or NOT, either for work or gambling. This should apply to ALL indoor smoking on PRIVATE property!!! The government at ANY level (federal,state, local) should NOT be dictating what percentage of the area can be smoking or whether the owners can ALLOW smoking or not!!!! Again I believe ALL anti-smoking rules, laws and agendas on PRIVATE PROPERTY should be NULL AND VOID as they are repugnant to the constitution as it pertains to private property rights.
To Connie: Everyday it’s Nicholas since Nicole is my wife. As her husband, I have her back in this fight. I’m guessing you’re a smoker, Connie? You may be surprised to know that we have nothing against smokers. Our issue is one of fairness. It’s simply discriminatory to subject one group of workers to secondhand smoke while the rest of the workforce in the state has the luxury of working in a smoke-free environment. Where I choose to work is irrelevant. Either A) the state brings back smoking to ALL indoor venues including bars and restaurants or B) they ban smoking in ALL indoor venues including casinos. It’s really that simple. My wife’s life is not worth any less than a bartender or a waitress’s life. Moreover, there has been absolutely no data that supports the claim that banning smoking will hurt business in any way whatsoever. In fact, it’s been the opposite…smoke free casinos are good for business. If you really need to smoke and gamble, then you have the option to stay at home and play online just the same as my wife has the option to quit her job. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s just wrong.
Nicholas or is it Nicole today? ....Why are you still working at the casino if you hate the smoke so much?????Go get a new job....If AC goes non-smoking you will be out of work anyway...might as well get a head start....
Secondhand smoke is a KNOWN health hazard and PROVEN killer. There is absolutely no excuse for allowing smoking in ANY indoor environment in 2022. This ban WILL be passed this year, so those of you who won’t be coming back to AC…good riddance! Enjoy Pennsylvania while you can because if you think that the workers there are going to tolerate smoke in their face once it’s banned here in New Jersey, you’re in for a rude awakening. Maybe instead of telling people to get new jobs, be considerate and go outside to light up. If you want to kill yourself with toxic smoke, be my guest…but don’t you dare put MY health in jeopardy for your gambling “experience.”
Atlantic City casinos will gain more customers than they will lose if indoor smoking is banned. Smokers would still have the option to smoke in a courtyard or outside area. We non-smokers who value our health go elsewhere to enjoy a smoke free environment. Ban indoor smoking and you’ll see a lot more people frequent Atlantic City.
Smoking indoors is dumb. First off it's March. There is not 2500 jobs in that whole city. I'm a dealer and don't want smoke in my face all day and I smoke a pack a day. They can have indoor smoking but it should be made into a separate room surrounded by plexi glass. Like Bally's has upstairs and Caesars has a room upstairs as well for smoking.
If they ban smoking in the casino's I will not be returning to AC. The place is sort of like a mini Vegas for us. We travel 6 hrs from Pa. to spend 3 or 4 nights there and burn through 5 or 6k each visit. PA. They ban smoking its over there for us.
During the Early height of the Pandemic & Casino's where closed and they finally opened it was a pleasure to go and gamble & there was no smoking. People are still going to go if there is no indoor smoking. The smoker will just have to go out & come back inside just like @ the job or assignment that GOD has given them. Wake up America and live right, BAN THE SMOKING INDOORS.
I worked in Atlantic Atlantic City casino for 15 years and even on the Casino floors with smoking and cigars and the rest I never had no problem people it's just bad genetics if you got bad genes don't work in a casino
If u stop smoking in the casino no one will come just for the casinos like the middle age man from pa were there is no smoking in the casinos (philly) so I rarely go I come to A C for the atmosphere don't take it away